How Temporary Lock Your System When Wrong Password Is Inputed
We all have that friend that like operating your system without permission. Don't worry about them any more we have got them now
Search for local security policy in your windows start up
Click on account policies and select account lockout policy
Now look for account threshold policy and click on it
Now a tab will open that will allow you how many attempts that will let the system temporary lock and let you the duration before it unlocks .
Your PC also have that android feature.
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Search for local security policy in your windows start up
Click on account policies and select account lockout policy
Now look for account threshold policy and click on it
Now a tab will open that will allow you how many attempts that will let the system temporary lock and let you the duration before it unlocks .
Your PC also have that android feature.
Make sure you subscribe to this blog if you want more of this.
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